About Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong

Rev. Stephen Tong is a well-known Chinese evangelist, Christian thinker, composer, and conductor. He has founded the Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International (STEMI), the Reformed Evangelical Church of Indonesia, and the Reformed Institute in Washington D.C., USA.
Since 1957, he has preached to more than 30 million people around the world, across six continents. Rev. Tong’s thoughts spanned the East and the West, learning from both the past and the present, and interpreting the truth of God’s revelation with unique insights. He is a teacher loved by youths and intellectuals everywhere, and a pastor respected by global churches.
In recognition of his long-term role in promoting the orthodox Christian faith, he was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2008 by the Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, USA.
Rev. Tong is committed to the practical application of the reformed evangelical movement with the dual mandate of gospel and culture. As a pastor, he also studied music, philosophy, history, art and architecture. He composed music, conducted, and founded the Jakarta Oratorio Society. He has designed and overseen the construction of the Reformed Millennium Center of Indonesia in Jakarta, including the Messiah Cathedral, one of the largest oval-domed Christian church buildings in the world; the Aula Simfonia Jakarta, an international concert hall with excellent acoustics; the Galeria Sophilia Art Center; the International Reformed Evangelical Seminary; and Calvin Christian School. In recent years, he has also founded the Calvin Institute of Technology, Samaritan Clinic and pharmacy.
His sermons, theological teachings, and apologetic seminars have influenced tens of millions of Chinese church pastors and believers. And he continues to challenge the times and to reshape history, adding new vitality to the spread of the Christian faith. He has become a model for the times, and a pastor respected by leaders of the reformed churches, both in the East and the West.
For a more detailed introduction to Rev. Stephen Tong, please refer to the Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Tong

唐崇荣牧师是著名华人布道家和基督教思想家,同时也是作曲和指挥家。 他创办了唐崇荣国际布道团(STEMI)、印尼归正福音教会及美国华府归正学院。
自1957年迄今,已向全球超过三千万人次讲道,足迹遍及六大洲。 唐牧师思想横贯中西、鉴古知今,每以独到洞见精辟阐释上帝启示之真理,是各地青年、知识份子爱戴的教师,普世教会敬重的牧者。
唐牧师以福音及文化双重使命致力于归正福音运动之实践。 作为牧师,他还精研音乐、哲学、历史、美术和建筑。 他作曲、指挥,创办雅加达神剧会社。 他设计监造归正千禧建筑群,其中有弥赛亚大教堂,是世界最大椭圆顶基督教堂之一;雅加达交响音乐厅,音响效果极佳的国际级音乐厅;智爱艺术中心(博物馆 );国际归正福音神学院及加尔文学校。 近年来他也创办了加尔文理科学院、撒玛利亚人诊所、医药中心等。
他无数篇布道、神学、护教等专题讲章,已经影响了数千万计的华人教会牧者和信徒,并继续不断的以挑战时代改变历史的动力,为基督教信仰的传播注入惊人的生命力 。 成为时代的典范,东西方归正教会领袖敬重的牧者。
唐崇荣牧师更详尽的介绍,请参阅 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Tong

The Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International (STEMI) was founded by Rev. Stephen Tong in 1979. It is neither a church nor a subsidiary organisation of a church, but an interdenominational group dedicated to the gospel and cultural mandates. STEMI is located in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the United States of America.
For the majority of his ministry, Rev. Stephen Tong often preached the gospel in his own country, Indonesia, and beyond. He has ministered to a wide range of people, including children, parents, students, teachers, professionals, Christian activists, and ministers. Examples of his ministry include: In 2013, STEMI invited thousands of missionaries from various denominations in Indonesia to participate in a 7-day national evangelism seminar. In September 2014, STEMI hosted the “Quo Vadis Young Generation” Conference for Christian Youths, which was attended by 8,100 young adults from various denominations.
Under the Holy Spirit’s guidance, Rev. Tong began his ministry at the age of 17. Since then, he has preached the gospel of Christ to more than 30 million people in many countries. Thousands of people have experienced conversion, and many of them would later devote their lives to full-time ministry. God has blessed His churches through STEMI’s ministries.
The operation of STEMI is independent of any government funds and sponsorship. It relies solely on God moving the churches, that is, those who believe and love the Lord and acknowledge the importance of this ministry. STEMI’s ministry focuses on the nurturing of the younger generation, as they are the future of the world. Although STEMI has reached many people, Rev. Tong still has the ambition to reach even more people and preach the gospel to them. STEMI sincerely invites local churches to work together to spread the gospel.
For more information about STEMI, please visit the following website:
Indonesia: facebook.com/reformed.injili.events
Singapore: facebook.com/StemiSG
Malaysia: facebook.com/my.stemi
Taiwan: facebook.com/stemi.tw
Hong Kong: facebook.com/hkstemi

STEMI是唐崇荣牧师于1979年所创立,贯穿各宗派的一个团体,主要专注于布道及文化使命。 STEMI即不是一所教会,也不是教会旗下的一个组织。 STEMI遍布于印尼、新加坡、马来西亚、台湾、香港及美国。
在唐崇荣牧师的一生当中,他常在自己的国土印尼及世界各国传讲及宣扬福音。 他所服事的人群极为广泛,包括小孩、父母、学生、老师、专业人士、活跃分子及上帝的仆人。 举例:在2013年,STEMI就邀请了数千位来自印尼不同宗派的传教士来参加为期7天的全国福音研讨会;还有在2014年九月份,STEMI主办 “Quo Vadis Young Generation” 的青年基督 徒讲座会,当中有8100名来自各个不同宗派的青年人出席,神使用他们成为各自教会的祝福。
蒙圣灵带领,唐崇荣牧师17岁开始服事,现今已在世界各国向超过三千万的人宣扬传讲基督的福音。 成千上万的人经历悔改,当中不乏立定心志,一生奉献作传道人的,神借此赐福这些教会。
STEMI的运作是独立于政府款项及任何的赞助,乃是单单依靠神自己给予各教会的感动,就是那些相信、爱主、并且认信此事工重要性的肢体。 此事工的独特性在于它专注于栽培年轻一代,因为他们就是国家的未来。 尽管这项事工已经接触了许许多多的人,但唐崇荣牧师仍然持有一个心志,就是接触比这更多的人,把福音传给他们。 故此,STEMI诚邀本地众教会一同配搭服事,将福音传开。
印尼 facebook.com/reformed.injili.events
About Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong’s Gospel Rallies
In today’s age, repentance is often misunderstood as merely a change in behaviour, or a means to material prosperity and physical healing. The idea that we can manipulate God to do our bidding with pretentious repentance is a topic worth discussing.
The true meaning of repentance is being slowly forgotten. The only way for a man to be reconciled to God is through the precious blood shed by Jesus Christ, which saves him from the bondage of sin, so that he can live a holy life. Once he was a slate to sin, but now adopted by God to be His heir.
Repentance would cause people to deny themselves willingly, taking up their crosses to follow the Lord. They understand clearly that a person who is part of the new creation has the hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ. Everyone who experienced true conversion shall live for the glory of God, and share the gospel that he received with unbelievers.
Even in his old age, Rev. Stephen Tong is still being used by God. In the past ten years, he has preached the gospel to 700,000 people in more than 200 cities, among which 450,000 have repented and believed in the Lord. We hope that God will use the gospel rallies to awaken and change people, both Christians and non-Christians, so that their faith can be renewed and rejuvenated. We also hope to reach out to people everywhere and preach the gospel, so that they may respond, repent, and accept Jesus Christ as their personal saviour.
在现今的时代,悔改被误解成为仅是行为上的转变,且多半是一个为了得到物质上的丰盛及身体得医治的先决条件。 若利用假悔改来操纵上帝,这值得深思。
悔改的真意已经逐渐被遗忘,甚至不再有人提及人与神之所以能和好,是透过耶稣基督所流的宝血,拯救人脱离罪的捆绑,以致人能过一个圣洁的生活。 这人从前是罪的奴仆,现已被收纳为神的后嗣。
悔改使人愿意舍己,背起十字架来跟从主,因为清楚认知一个新造的人在耶稣基督里有永生的盼望。 这经历了真实回转的人毅然地为着神的荣耀而活,并且向非信徒传扬他所领受的福音。
唐崇荣牧师在年老的时候,仍然蒙上帝重用,在最近的十几年里已于200多个城市向70万人传福音,其中有45万人悔改信主。此巡回信仰更新布道会盼望被神使用,来唤醒及改变各地之基督徒及非基督徒,使他们的信仰得以被更新及信仰生活化! 此外,亦期盼能接触各地的人,宣扬福音,使他们可以回应、悔改,以及接受耶稣基督为他们个人的救主。